02 . Twenty-Seven [ mp3 ]
03 . You Make It Easy
04 . How To Be [ mp3 ]
05 . (On Beauty)
06 . Dozier-Holland-Dozier
07 . They Can't Mic The Deep End
08 . I Guess The Kids Are OK
09 . Can't
10 . How To Be (Again)
11 . Summertime

DWL045 . Released May 29 2007 . Add to Cart : $10 . iTunes Music Store . eMusic Description New album from Coltrane Motion. Noiser, poppier, and more than a little bit obsessed with both motown girl groups and japanese noise bands. Sounds like Phil Spector stepping on a laptop. Reviews '60s psych, shoegaze, Kraut-rock - there's plenty of musical influences swirling around in this Chicago-based duo's debut. Songs About Music is a pulsing romp of a long-player, with just enough meta-music intellect, drones, and guitar fuzz to keep our synapses firing and our toes tapping.
- XLR8R . May 21, 2007
Imagine that Doogie Howser had become a computer programmer rather than go into medicine, and one night while in the local bar, he meets this granola looking 18 year old Deadhead who's lately been very disillusioned with the whole retro music vibe thing, and wants to get into something more progressive. After an awkward conversation about a bowl of peanuts in which Doogie asked, "Did you say 'cashew' or 'a tissue', I couldn't make it out over the sound of EMF?" the two get to discussing their varying musical tastes and begin to find some common ground. The pair begin late-night jam sessions in Deadhead's parent's basement which eventually leads to some free studio time from one of the guy's Deadhead knows, as long as they promise to clean the bathroom, because the contract janitorial company that usually does it went under last week and the men's room is getting real rank. Doogie, being a genius, has trained lab rats which he instructs to do the cleaning job, leaving he and Deadhead more free time to work on what they call their 'sound collages'. These initial demos are really quite shit, but the spark of imagination is there; Doogie dumps the Deadhead, buys himself a Mac, puts an ad in the local paper for a real guitarist and lays down some fat dance beats and electronic noise-chunks. When his ad is answered by a Johnny-Marr-a-be young upstart with more than a few choice licks up his sleeve so too are his prayers, for together they create a new musical blueprint for the future: Coltrane Motion.- Quick Before It Melts . May 23, 2007
That's what I call reinventing music in the digital era. Brilliant.- Untitled . May 24, 2007
Fans of fuzzed-out electronic pop with a 1960s soul flair ought to check out Chicago's Coltrane Motion.. Lead singer Michael Bond wails over beats, loops and other sonic horseplay he has programmed while guitarist Matt Dennewitz shreds or offers poppy six-string compliments. Organ and synth hold it all together. Coltrane Motion has been compared to early Beck, but tunes off its new record, Songs About Music, are more danceable and much more poppy. Still there's a soulful edge that gives the band toughness.- Lafayette Journal & Courier . May 24, 2007
What the duo seem to have created here is a mega melting pot of musical styles and influences, ranging from 90's shoegaze all the way back to 60's soul. The mixture is a bit messy the first time through, but after repeated listens the melding becomes not only familiar but really enjoyable.- Each Note Secure . May 25, 2007
Now this is nice. 'Twenty-Seven' is a brilliant fusion of the Jesus & Mary Chain and Primal Scream wherein Michael Bond and his compadre Matt Dennewitz have crafted a new indie club standard. The hit is almost immediate, like the magical moment BRMC dispense with the boring trimming and reach for their gut instincts. This song doesn't necessarily demand a smoky room but you can just imagine the erratic shadows working in unison with the fuzzy dramatics airing from the stacks. Coltrane Motion are undoubtedly indebted to the past but it's the present and the future that owe them a very comfortable living. Noisy retro-futurist psychedelic synths being deliberately overheated by the ghost of shoegazing..- Sweeping The Nation . June 4, 2007
Onstage the two men come equipped with an arsenal of vintage gear and modern electronics in order to duplicate the swirling, thick layers of sound that fill each track on their debut album, Songs About Music.. Bond and Dennewitz give it their all in a live setting, making the more exuberant moments of Songs About Music feel that much more alive and immediate. The reckless abandon and barely-in-control movement of the band's shows are fantastically captured on the lo-fi, DIY release, and it's this fact that has helped Coltrane Motion recently swoop across the blogosphere like a virus of Tapes 'n Tapes proportion.. Coltrane Motion, also known as Michael Bond and Matt Dennewitz, is a Midwestern band with as much love for the Ronettes as they have for My Bloody Valentine. Songs About Music, as the title implies, may be an excuse to unabashedly cop licks and lyrics, but distinguishing these musical instances isn't easy. Their idea of Spector's famous "Wall of Sound" technique is more like a 200 ft. electric fence, drowning melodies in distortion and noise.- NPR . June 15, 2007
Coltrane Motion's Songs About Music might be my fave record of the year so far.. They churn up a messy onrush of cracked keyboard sounds and simple, insistent rhythms, overlaid onto melodic pop and doot-doot vocals. Reminds me of the thrill of the very early Pavement records, the eureka of hearing those guys cover doo-wop syllables with Fall spasms.. The album title, it turns out, is straightup earnest: these songs are indeed about music, and this rock is metarock. Not that there's any Grand Statement or anything here, and whew for that. Instead it's just Let's Put on a Show, mooning away, and hey, we've got '60s pop stars, we've got the same chords, the same notes, we've got kick drums, snare drums, kick drums, snare drums.- Bury Me Not . August 1, 2007
Interview w/ Butter Team . June 26, 2007
Interview w/ MotorCityBlog . January 22, 2008
Interview w/ Buzz | The 217 . January 24, 2008
Interview w/ Nate Rosing . September 24, 2008
Interview w/ Culture Bully . October 18, 2008
Wisconsin State Journal . May 16, 2007
The Smudge of Ashen Fluff . May 17, 2007
Side One Track One . May 22, 2007
The Devil Has The Best Tuna . May 22, 2007
Harmony In My Ears . May 22, 2007
Indie Blog Heaven . May 23, 2007
Cincinnati Post . May 24, 2007
Covert Curiosity . May 25, 2007
Quarterlifeparty . May 30, 2007
Raised On Indie . May 30, 2007
I Rock Cleveland . May 31, 2007
Sensory Overload . June 2, 2007
Oh My Rockness . July 10, 2007
People With Animal Heads . July 11, 2007
The White Minstrel Show . July 31, 2007
Merry Swankster . August 3, 2007
Illinois Entertainer . August 30, 2007
The Wheel's Still In Spin . September 29, 2007
Time Out Chicago . December 13, 2007
Bury Me Not (Top 10 of 2007) . December 16, 2007
Gaper's Block . December 18, 2007
Bag Of Songs . January 13, 2008
New York Magazine . January 14, 2008
Backseat Sandbar . September 26, 2008
Chicago Tribune . January 9, 2009
This Music Wins . January 13, 2009
Horror Society . January 16, 2009
Lithium Radio . March 11, 2009