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Ask him his motto and he will tell you: 'To have a good time, all the time.' He lives these words to the fullest extent and utters them like a mantra throughout his music.
He is a born artist; a riddle wrapped in a soft body. But from where do Gossett and the sounds of the casio forest emerge? Is it from the thick foliage of keyboard melodies, or the earth-tone guitar and vocals chock full of harmonious fruits which he so carefully plucks and bakes into a pie, reminiscent only of a grandmother's handiwork? Armed only with his trusty 12 string and Casio 1630, Gossett milks all the sound he can from these bloated teats, making his sound electronic as well as obviously folk.
Call him what you want - an art school dropout, a cheezy rock-star wannabe, or the bassist from Swissfarlo - his music is what it is: constantly growing and changing as rapidly as today's headlines. A Guide Through the Casio Forest is Gossett's first solo album and there's no telling what's in store for us next.. Discography

© two thousand ~ twenty . datawaslost
He is a born artist; a riddle wrapped in a soft body. But from where do Gossett and the sounds of the casio forest emerge? Is it from the thick foliage of keyboard melodies, or the earth-tone guitar and vocals chock full of harmonious fruits which he so carefully plucks and bakes into a pie, reminiscent only of a grandmother's handiwork? Armed only with his trusty 12 string and Casio 1630, Gossett milks all the sound he can from these bloated teats, making his sound electronic as well as obviously folk.
Call him what you want - an art school dropout, a cheezy rock-star wannabe, or the bassist from Swissfarlo - his music is what it is: constantly growing and changing as rapidly as today's headlines. A Guide Through the Casio Forest is Gossett's first solo album and there's no telling what's in store for us next.. Discography

A Guide Through the Casio Forest
{ DWL024 . EP . 2001 }
Limited edition debut, packaged in a DVD case with a lock of Matt's hair. Re-released digitally in 2007 with bonus tracks.
MP3s [ Love Can ] [ Left With Me ]
More Info . iTunes Music Store . eMusic

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Datawaslost : One.Two.Three
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Datawaslost : Building
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