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Lineup Matt Dennewitz . Guitar
Jessy Lancaster . Drums
Megan Stocklin . Keyboards
Tristan Wolfe . Guitar
Related Artists Blackbear, Men Of Gentle Birth Contact Matt Dennewitz .
Lancaster, OH
Shows Click Here For Past Shows
Protein Summer The drone endeveour of a too-well-known dandy named Tristan Wolfe and an incontinent dronester name Matt Dennewitz. Originally backed by only by Jessy 'mildly retarded but still an ok drummer' Lancaster, but soon included Megan 'the missing link' Stocklin.

1 key performance marked above 2 opening acts for a crowd of 1100 each. Scored big with 3 chart-topping, heart stopping hits: 'The Robot Song,' 'Midwestern Love Song,' and 'A Song for the Winter and the Willow Trees,' amongst other cult favorites (such as the ultra-rare and much sought-after 'Untitled' 7").

Inactivity and Jessy's violent binge-drinking led to the formation of the Dennewitz-and-Wolfe garage spark 'The Impressionists.' Later renamed 'The Hospital Bombers' to maximize reference points, Protein Summer has been mum ever since. Fans hold a reunion-centric vigil each year.

The Depressing EP
{ DWL002 . EP (CDR) . 2000 }
Three songs about the future and airplane seats.

MP3  [ The Robot Song ]
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