02 . This Night Started Out Like Any Other Night
03 . A Chance Encounter (In Cincinnati Tonight)
04 . Until Then
05 . Projections Of A Person
06 . Travel Agent
07 . Elsewhere
08 . Little Angel
09 . Good Boys [ mp3 ]
10 . Lost In Ex-Lives
11 . The Love That Never Was [ mp3 ]

DWL051 . Released Nov 10 2009 . Add to Cart : $10 . iTunes Music Store . eMusic Description The Leagues' fifth album arrives on Datawaslost this fall, a kitchen-sink rock opera called "This Story Is Old, I Know, But It Goes On.." Equal parts Pet Sounds and Dexy's Midnight Runners, the new record jumps and shimmies with the energy of its home-recorded roots - 90s Brit-pop rubs elbows with 60s soul and even a touch of 70s glam-rock, all held together by clever hooks and vibrant production. Reviews Another dazzling, epic album that revolves loosely around a concept/storyline yet lacks all the pompousness of a 'Rock Opera.' The Leagues take the history of Pop Rock music (from The Kinks to Blur to Apples in Stereo) and shape it into their own image, sounding a little like everything and a lot like nothing you've heard.
- Citybeat . November 10, 2009
Ever hear a local band and wonder why they aren't atop national charts every week? For years, that band, for me, has been the Minor Leagues. Lead singer and songwriter Ben Walpole has a knack for writing lyrics that make you drag the time-thingy back a couple seconds to re-listen..- Cincinnati.com . November 18, 2009
For all of you Indie Pop lovers this should be a dream come true, their song are fresh with little amount of harmonies that add the sunny into this story-telling album..- Indiehere . November 19, 2009
You can imagine with such a giant group you may get too many different directions but The Minor Leagues did a superb job of not letting numbers get in the way of keeping 'This Story Is Old, I Know, But It Goes On' consistent and concise.. Even though different tracks may present bigger sonic soundscapes with horns or other more orchestrated instrumentation, The Minor Leagues true strength is the way they blend a 60's rock vibe with a smooth Brit-pop delivery and really make something unique that is inviting and noteworthy!- The Fire Note . November 25, 2009
A gripping musical fantasy, we were engulfed within a torrent of grey skies and self doubt before 'The Love That Never Was' stole the calm from our speakers. Indie-Pop with with a translucent glow of Pomp and Circumstance, an impressive collection of orchestrated sounds and movements. You have approximately one month to add this to your best of 2009 lists.- Mojophenia . November 27, 2009
Experts don't recommend this plan of attack: releasing an indiepop rock opera about relationships and dating when you're in your mid-20s.. You can work with it, but you're going to need the hooks, and fortunately the Minor Leagues have them in enough force to pull off their ambition. Coupled with intelligent lyrics, 'This Story Is Old, I Know, But it Goes On' works outside its focus group.The band does exactly what it should to be comfortable and catchy, but still interesting. There are a ton of influences here, from '60s rock to Britpop (vocalist / keyboardist Ben Walpole is pretty clear on his Pulp fandom) to maybe Elephant 6 stuff to whatever the kids are calling indie these days that isn't dragging you down. At times you could imagine Phil Spector working with this group ('The Love That Never Was'), Grandaddy helping write their music around the time of Sumday ('Travel Agent'), or Saturday Looks Good to Me picking them up (standout track 'Good Boys')..
- PopMatters . February 22, 2010
For nearly a decade now, Cincinnati chamber-pop outfit The Minor Leagues have quietly issued a half-dozen albums that channel virtually every era of rock's fertile playground through bandleader Ben Walpole's singular voice. With the band currently operating as a septet, TML have touched on a number of stylistic themes with their latest album, The Story Is Old, I Know, But It Goes On. Taking cues from the likes of Belle & Sebastian and early Voxtrot, TML fuse together an engaging amalgamation of vintage 60s pop, ambitious orchestral passages, soulful horn stabs, new wave sheen, and 90s indie into a fresh-yet-familiar concoction. With summer on the make, the tracks below may provide excellent fodder for yr pending seasonal mixtapes…- The Buddha Den . May 27, 2010
Interview w/ Metromix Cincinnati . November 10, 2009
Interview w/ Citybeat . December 9, 2009
Insomnia Radio . November 13, 2009
POP! Stereo . November 18, 2009
Largehearted Boy . November 19, 2009
TSURURADIO . November 20, 2009
Consequence of Sound . November 20, 2009
Snob's Music . November 23, 2009
Planeta Pop . November 26, 2009
Circles of Concrete . November 30, 2009
Almost Four Stars (Best of 2009) . December 9, 2009
3toastbrot . December 10, 2009
Audio Gumshoe . December 27, 2009
Citybeat (Best of 2009) . December 30, 2009
Blaylock's Indie Rock Playlist . January 1, 2010
Planeta Pop (Best of 2009) . January 10, 2010
Collective Zine . February 4, 2010
Backseat Sandbar . March 12, 2010
Outgoing Signals (Live Review) . May 31, 2010